Uses and gratification is when you have an active audience who chooses the texts it consumes and where individuals have different reasons for picking the certain type of media.
During the 1960s the audience were starting to consume and make individual choices about the media they watched. Blumer and Katz took this theory further of "actively passive mass, audiences were made up of individuals who actively consumed texts for different reasons and in different ways". The gave certain reasons why, which are as followed:
DiveRsion: Escape from everyday problems and routines
This applies to me because when I come home I watch certain TV programmes that make me laugh such as 'My Wife and Kids'.
PersOnaL relaTionSHips: Using the media for emotional and pther interaction e.g. substituting soap operas for family life
As the same as diversion
PerSonal IdenTitY:Constructing their own idenity from charcters in media texts, and learning bhaviour and values.
Im not even going to lie, I at times construct mysef to dress like Ciara especially with my shirt and tie outfit. But at times, i will see what some famous people wear and merge it into my style.
SurvEillAnCe: Information gathering, e.g. educational programmes, weather reports, financial news, holiday bargains
This applies to me because as a student of government and politics you have to watch the news, I am not a die hard fan of the news but do tune inoccasionally. I like watching some documentaries such as 'Bowling for Columbine' and the 9/11 one by Micheal Moore.
Dennis McQuail suggests a more detailed breakdown of audiences motivation:
This applies to me because I try and keep up to date with all the news issues and political debates. However, I don't do this on a regular basis but only at times.
This applies to me because viewing documentaries that appear on TV but, also you can leanr from books and texts books that I consume at times. The internet is also a good source of learning.
Personal identity:
Finding reinforcement for personal values
Finding models of behaviour
identifying with 'celebrities'
Gaining insight into onself
This applies to me because I listen to certain genre of music and by listening to it, I have an insight of latest fashions that are apparent in that genre. But, also I like to merge new styles with mine.
Integration and social interaction:
Gaining insight into circumstances of others
Identifying with others- a sense of belonging
Finding a basis for converstaion and social interaction
Having a substitute fpor real life companionship
This applies to me because when certain events such as reality TV shows or entertainment competitions that appear on SKY are at times discussed between me and my friends. Whereas, if there is a political issue or news event it is discussed at school by my teachers in a class discussion.
Escaping, or being diverted, from problems
Getting intrinsic cultural or aesthetic enjoyment
Filling time
Emotional release
Sexual arousal.
This applies to me because when watching soaps I try and escape from my problems and focusing on theres.