Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yobs want an ASBO as a badge of honour

Some of the antisocial behaviour orders are taken up by teenagers, who claim they are“badge of honour” amongst people and the publications. Many youth workers and some judges and magistrates have serious reservations about ASBOs. These high professioned people believe there is an unfair trade towards anti social behaviour and are being oversued- this oversuing only requires a minum amount of envidence.

Around the nation, youth workers also say that ASBOs have had little positive impact on the behaviour of young people. Thebehaviour is treated as “minor transgressions”, which is quite violent but not a threat.However, residents plagued by yobbish behaviour welcome the “quick fix” that ASBOs provide, according to the study, by the Youth Justice Board, a quango. Its report is being published only hours after Tony Blair called for more involvement from communities in tackling nuisance behaviour by youngsters. Ministers have urged the public to demand action from the authorities to tackle antisocial behaviour.
Questions that have arised are whether ASBOs tackle the underlying cause of bad behaviour or are a “sticking-plaster”. Rod Morgan, chairman of the Youth Justice Board, said:
“The board is not against antisocial behaviour orders. They can — and do — work incredibly well.
“But for ASBOs to reduce the likelihood of future antisocial behaviour, they need to be used correctly. That means exhausting every preventive measure in the community first, and ensuring that youth offending teams are not excluded from issuing the orders.”
cERtain measurements that are taken u are things to do with the community, the ASBOs, which allow magistrates to impose conditions on people’s behaviour, were introduced in 1999, end of September last year 7,356 had been imposed. Breaching an order can lead to a jail term.
Overall, people are trying to reuce the amount of ASBOS and the causes of violence and aggression.!!!
Opinion: I feel ASBO tackling is a important factor in our society for living in southall and Greenford there are ASBOs that are scattered around. Tony Blair improving and sorting out a report will be influencial if he takes it up with his peers and actually start to take action.


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