SumMarY of marXisM
Marxism is a political practice and social theory developed in the nineteenth century. The following points sum up the theory:
- Marx argued capitalism is based on the profit motive
- Believed that the capitalist was divided up into 2 societys
- The bourgeoisie and the working class
Althusser identifies the ideological state apparatuses ISAs which operate alongside the military and police, to maintain the bourgeois ideologies;
- religion
- education
- family
- legal and political system
- political systems
- cultural and communications system
He studied the certain ways ISA acts to position audiences and presume the ideologies in a correct manner.
ADDRND explains the "dumbing down" or " the culture industries". What we see in the media and the representations are hegemonic: reinforces dominant ideology
Why am I a Marxist: I am a marxist to an extent because I want to earn a good living and living in a world were money motivates you, i want to earn a lot to achieve the best.
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