Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Self Evaluation

I think from the last term i have been working quite hard, i have been getting on with my work and feel that when I put my mind to it, i can actually do some really good pieces of work. But, still i wouldn't give myself an one, for attainment because I haven't produced consistant excellent work.

I still my effort is the same, but I think it maybe increasing because we are studying interesting topics. The whole discussion on Asians and now looking at genre will definitly allow me to do more and improve on my effort levels.

I can never be late or even miss a lesson because Mr Munro is my form tutor. But I am always in lessona and on time.

Submission and quality of homework ... 2
The homework we recieve is to mainly do with blogs, it seems quite good and my quality of homework is very good.

Ability to work independently.... 1
I feel comfortable working by myself and doing my work independently. The independent study is done all by myself! sooo i can work very well on my own.

Quality of writing ...2
My writing is starting to improve because I am actually proof reading and thinking of what to write. My structure is also starting to come out well.

Organisation of Media folder ...2
My media folder is not in shambles but I have to organise it again. I have title pages for different sections of the modules I just have to organise my work one more time.

Oral contributions in class ... 2
My oral contribution is okay in class. At times i don't participate but I will start to.

  • More oral discussion on lesson
  • Practise writing essays to improve my structure and timing for the exam
  • Bring my attainment to a one by being consistant throughout the term .

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is a DVD cover to the film 'You Got Served' which is part of the many American dance genre films, it is starring the young, African American born B2K aka (boys of the new millenium). Firstly at the top you can see a montage of shots of the main protagonists dancing and the red connotes blood or death but it could suggest a sense of romance/ love aswell. Inside that strip of montage shots of the characters dancing says 'special edition' which allows the consumer to be expecting more than a film but a film with features, which is good for marketing.
The main image is a longshot of a dance team and them watching a break dancer doing some move on the floor. The team is full of different ethnicities and cultures therefore, the demographic profiling of this film would be towards everyone but majority, appealing to Black people especially from America. The image is also lit from the front because you can see light reflecting off the dancers but also, the further you go on the crowd the darker it gets suggesting, a mystery. The dance group are representing the different cultures in America from Black, White to Latin.
The title itself is postioned at a slight angle and the typography is capitals, the title is quite big and also, the only type of writing that stands out in the whole dvd cover. 'You Got Served' suggests some sort, of competition or even, a defeat of some sort maybe referring to the dance battles. Dance battles, are quite popular within the African American race but, also, in America it is a way of young children from violated neighbourhoods to get out of trouble. 'You Got' is in a silver colour and is slightly smaller then "SERVED" which seems to be the most word in the whole of the title and its importance is reinforced by, the colour red.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is a film poster for Vondie Curtis Hall's film 'Waist Deep', the film poster would appeal to the demographic of 15 to 20 year olds, middle class, males because of the characters and where they come from the geographical area would be America possibly, in the ghettos and mainly appeal to African Americans. Just, from the two main protagonists the film poster reveals alot about the type of target audience that Hall is directing his film to.
The image is of two African Americans Tyrese Gibson and Megan Good, who are shot in a long shot but, as the audience only Megan Goods' face is visible however, Tyrese is lit from the right and is shot in low key lighting but, fades into the background. The effect of the characters not revealing there facial features represents the engima from the film poster and possibly teh narrative of the film. The use of front key lighting on Tyreses's face highlights his face and also, certain aspects of his face such as his expression, his facial expression seems quite tense therefore, the lighting justs bolsters his infrasructure of his face. Whereas, Megan Good is lit low key but she seems too have a silhouette on the side of her face which connotes a mystery about her and her character in the film.
The mise- en- scene that is used in the film poster firstly, the props, the only iconography is a gun and that is placed in Tyrese's hand. The gun connotes protection therefore Tyrese seems to be the hero, the character identification of the charater is a theory by Propp. The tag lines next to the title are "His son. His Life. His freedom. He's taking them all back". This parallels the gun because, as the audience we are assume that Tyrese is looking for his son therefore, the gun is his protection. Secondly, we as the audience are aware of the film being purely based on the main character and that is Tyrese this bolsters Mulveys theory of men being hero's and masculine to save the day. The clothing, of each character is pretty urban and casual you would assume, that it is following the type of lifestyle they live. The female, Megan Good, is wearing possibly a pair of shorts or even a denim skirt but, also is wearing a pink sleeveless top. Pink connotes girly, pretty therefore suggesting that Megan Good seems to be the more feable and weaker character out of hr and Tyrese. Many African American women wear short clothes with weaves which is part of their fashion and culture. The camera is fetishizing her body components such as her legs and her breasts which allow the male viewers to fetishize over her and also, have a certain type of sexual arrousal over her, this is stated by Mulvey and her theory about Male gaze. A stereotype that is usually associated with Black women is that they are very provocative and suggestive her pose, would reinforce that idea because she is wearing very short clothes. However, Tyrese is wearing a tank top, jeans and has a very athletic body with tattoos over his body. This is also, a stereotype that is associated with African Americans because of his surroundings and how fashion seems to fall. Tyrese represents possibly many Black people that think having a gun will help them achieve and gain there goal. A gun is associated with crime which is a common mis interepreted stereotype of Black people.
The movies name is " Waist Deep" which would connote trouble. The typography, seems to be bold and sans serif which reiforces trouble and the boldness of the narrative. The colours used is pale blue but with a bit of black that is sprayed into some letters which connotes the mystery of the film. Also, the cast is an all African American cast and it seems to be in order of importance and significance each character has in the film.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Module Revision 1... magazine 1

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting "Hip- Hop Connection" is the un- disputed American magazine that informs many Hip-Hop listeners about the diverse culture of this certain music genre that represents culture and politics. In this issue, of Hip Hop Connection, the main featurette is the 7 time platinum West Coast rapper The Game. The background is white which connotes purity and goodness whereas, the image itself is juxtaposed against the background because the main image if the rapper is associated with drugs and guns. Being, a Black African American he conveys to many stereotypes that are associated through this single image but also through his music.
The image is positioned in the foreground, and takes up majority of the space which symbolises his dominance over the rap genre scene. The infrastructure of his body is quite atheletic which is assoicated with Black males as a stereotype which is placed by society but, his strong dominace look, also represents many of the young African Americans that are still living in the ghetto. The long shot of The Game really emphasises his mood and look on his face, the lighting helps compliament the serious inflammatory look. As, many people know, Black people are not infamous for smiling in photos they rather put on a mug shot, just like this image. Hip Hop Connection also published an article on him that was parrallel to this picture and had taken seceral pictures of him in the ghetto. His body gesture, also connotes the break of possibly colonism and the stereotype of "other" by him placing his two fists together in a strong way he is suggesting that Black people do not need to worry about anything, beacuse he has made it far. Lastly, his tattoos are an expression of art - tattoos are also referred and associated to Black males.
The image is centrally postioned and the taglines are placed around it. The two colours that are used on the magazine cover are red and black. The colour red would connote death or blood but in this case the useage of red represents the division in Compton, LA which is over the gang affilation. "Crips" represent Blue whereas, "Cedar Block Piru Bloods" represent the colour red thus the font being red because The Game was associated with the Bloods. The gang affilation is also, related to the rapper. The typography seems to be bold Aerial and font type Sans Serif which shows the dominace of the magazine in the print industry. Also, the only tagline that is in Black is the one associated with the game, this shows that he is the main feature in the magazine.