Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gunners blast the Brits

The Brits has taken allthe craze over the anticipated match of Arsenal over Bolton the few facts that are shown to see how the craze started :
  • Match of the Day Live drew an average of 5.7 million viewers or 24% of the audience in the two hours it was up against the Brits on ITV1, which averaged 5.3 million viewers or 22%.
  • While at the Brits the viewers peaked at 6.3 million at 8pm, as the Scissor Sisters opened the show.
  • Then the game got 5.9 million when the half time started
  • Since 1989, the Brits ranged the highest audience viewing possible peaked at 6.3 million at 8pm, as the Scissor Sisters opened the music industry shindig.

The different battles bewteen the two programmes of the game and the Brits showed a problem towards audiences viewers for people were seein to watch the Brits more. More audiences were aniticipated over the Brits because of all the hype but still, the Gunners were not impressed by the turnout and the people that were viewing the game, live.

In my opinion: The brits has showed to be a very popular progrmme and from this we can see the ratings 5.3 million people watched. Also, the water cooler effect acn be linked to this because people will talk about the show and the host Russel the host of Big Brother various programmes shows a famous person adding to the hype of the programme.


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