Wednesday, February 28, 2007

News Values

  • Primarily editors who are responsible for selecting and ordering news broadcasts.
  • Only particular items into the news text and this selection will depend on the factors such as the application of news, audience expectations and institutional requirements


  • When a news story is influenced by the attitudes and background of its interviewers, writers, photographers and editors: even before the gate keeping process.
  • Some forms of bias which may affect the news text:-

- bias through selection and omission

- placement

-photos, captions and camera angles

- names and titles

- statistics and crowd counts

- source control

- word choice and tone.

How would you priortise these news values?

FreqUenCy: Midterms American elections 2006 covers most of the newspaper

ThReshold: The even was very big because we saw a new representation of women in Congress because of the head Democrat speaker Nancy Polsci.

Unambiguity: Pretty clear over the front page and the most of the newspaper - over 4 sides

Meaningfulness: Well the American elections were quite meaningful because it was a tight race between the Democrats and Republicans.

ConSonanCe: The audience expectations would to see who is winning out of the two parties and who will actually win. Within the newspaper there is alot of visual diagrams showing the geographical coverage of America and were the votes are more.

UnexpEctedneSs: A story on Police raid seizes wild bird eggs

Continuity: American general elections

Personalisation: Shown within the the National aspect of the newspaper.

Negativity: Who do they think they are? Website traces British roots of Us Celebrities. Mocking celebrities who deny their british background.


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