Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is a DVD cover to the film 'You Got Served' which is part of the many American dance genre films, it is starring the young, African American born B2K aka (boys of the new millenium). Firstly at the top you can see a montage of shots of the main protagonists dancing and the red connotes blood or death but it could suggest a sense of romance/ love aswell. Inside that strip of montage shots of the characters dancing says 'special edition' which allows the consumer to be expecting more than a film but a film with features, which is good for marketing.
The main image is a longshot of a dance team and them watching a break dancer doing some move on the floor. The team is full of different ethnicities and cultures therefore, the demographic profiling of this film would be towards everyone but majority, appealing to Black people especially from America. The image is also lit from the front because you can see light reflecting off the dancers but also, the further you go on the crowd the darker it gets suggesting, a mystery. The dance group are representing the different cultures in America from Black, White to Latin.
The title itself is postioned at a slight angle and the typography is capitals, the title is quite big and also, the only type of writing that stands out in the whole dvd cover. 'You Got Served' suggests some sort, of competition or even, a defeat of some sort maybe referring to the dance battles. Dance battles, are quite popular within the African American race but, also, in America it is a way of young children from violated neighbourhoods to get out of trouble. 'You Got' is in a silver colour and is slightly smaller then "SERVED" which seems to be the most word in the whole of the title and its importance is reinforced by, the colour red.


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