Wednesday, February 28, 2007

News Values

  • Primarily editors who are responsible for selecting and ordering news broadcasts.
  • Only particular items into the news text and this selection will depend on the factors such as the application of news, audience expectations and institutional requirements


  • When a news story is influenced by the attitudes and background of its interviewers, writers, photographers and editors: even before the gate keeping process.
  • Some forms of bias which may affect the news text:-

- bias through selection and omission

- placement

-photos, captions and camera angles

- names and titles

- statistics and crowd counts

- source control

- word choice and tone.

How would you priortise these news values?

FreqUenCy: Midterms American elections 2006 covers most of the newspaper

ThReshold: The even was very big because we saw a new representation of women in Congress because of the head Democrat speaker Nancy Polsci.

Unambiguity: Pretty clear over the front page and the most of the newspaper - over 4 sides

Meaningfulness: Well the American elections were quite meaningful because it was a tight race between the Democrats and Republicans.

ConSonanCe: The audience expectations would to see who is winning out of the two parties and who will actually win. Within the newspaper there is alot of visual diagrams showing the geographical coverage of America and were the votes are more.

UnexpEctedneSs: A story on Police raid seizes wild bird eggs

Continuity: American general elections

Personalisation: Shown within the the National aspect of the newspaper.

Negativity: Who do they think they are? Website traces British roots of Us Celebrities. Mocking celebrities who deny their british background.

Cult Of The Celebrity

I personally consume quite a bit of celebrity driven media, things such as:

Music cds

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Dvds especially films based on dancing

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Clothing Lines

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Magazines especially ones specfic to RnB and Hip Hop

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The reason why I consume these texts is because of the celebrity because if it is an artist that I really like I will purchase everything they have. But, also if I enjoy their work like in a film I would watch the film many times and possibly buy it on dvd. Knowing about celebrities is what makes people purchase any text.

Looking at an edition of a national tabloid, in what ways are celebrity related stories presented in this edition? Account for these representations

In tabloids such as the Sun celebrity gossip seems to be the main feature for example, if David Beckham buys something from a local shop it will be posted all over the newspaper, the reason for this is because they know that people are eager to know what their favourite celebrities are doing and what they are buying.

For example on The Suns website, the homepage features a lot of celebrity gossip for example there is a feature of Posh's new haircut and you can actually watch pictures of her with this new haircut. The Sun newpaper know this will cause a freenzy within society because many teengae girls and women would be interested to see how she has changed her hair and possibly decide to copy her exact hair style.

Also, there is a feature about celebritoes and their sex life. There is an article based on Gordan and Peter's sex life she says ' we've been at it like rabbits'. The audiences response would be read this article because they like to know the nitty gritty about the celebrities personal life, even if it is knowing whom they are getting initimate with.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gunners blast the Brits

The Brits has taken allthe craze over the anticipated match of Arsenal over Bolton the few facts that are shown to see how the craze started :
  • Match of the Day Live drew an average of 5.7 million viewers or 24% of the audience in the two hours it was up against the Brits on ITV1, which averaged 5.3 million viewers or 22%.
  • While at the Brits the viewers peaked at 6.3 million at 8pm, as the Scissor Sisters opened the show.
  • Then the game got 5.9 million when the half time started
  • Since 1989, the Brits ranged the highest audience viewing possible peaked at 6.3 million at 8pm, as the Scissor Sisters opened the music industry shindig.

The different battles bewteen the two programmes of the game and the Brits showed a problem towards audiences viewers for people were seein to watch the Brits more. More audiences were aniticipated over the Brits because of all the hype but still, the Gunners were not impressed by the turnout and the people that were viewing the game, live.

In my opinion: The brits has showed to be a very popular progrmme and from this we can see the ratings 5.3 million people watched. Also, the water cooler effect acn be linked to this because people will talk about the show and the host Russel the host of Big Brother various programmes shows a famous person adding to the hype of the programme.