Self Evaluation
I think from the last term i have been working quite hard, i have been getting on with my work and feel that when I put my mind to it, i can actually do some really good pieces of work. But, still i wouldn't give myself an one, for attainment because I haven't produced consistant excellent work.
I still my effort is the same, but I think it maybe increasing because we are studying interesting topics. The whole discussion on Asians and now looking at genre will definitly allow me to do more and improve on my effort levels.
I can never be late or even miss a lesson because Mr Munro is my form tutor. But I am always in lessona and on time.
Submission and quality of homework ... 2
The homework we recieve is to mainly do with blogs, it seems quite good and my quality of homework is very good.
Ability to work independently.... 1
I feel comfortable working by myself and doing my work independently. The independent study is done all by myself! sooo i can work very well on my own.
Quality of writing ...2
My writing is starting to improve because I am actually proof reading and thinking of what to write. My structure is also starting to come out well.
Organisation of Media folder ...2
My media folder is not in shambles but I have to organise it again. I have title pages for different sections of the modules I just have to organise my work one more time.
Oral contributions in class ... 2
My oral contribution is okay in class. At times i don't participate but I will start to.
I think from the last term i have been working quite hard, i have been getting on with my work and feel that when I put my mind to it, i can actually do some really good pieces of work. But, still i wouldn't give myself an one, for attainment because I haven't produced consistant excellent work.
I still my effort is the same, but I think it maybe increasing because we are studying interesting topics. The whole discussion on Asians and now looking at genre will definitly allow me to do more and improve on my effort levels.
I can never be late or even miss a lesson because Mr Munro is my form tutor. But I am always in lessona and on time.
Submission and quality of homework ... 2
The homework we recieve is to mainly do with blogs, it seems quite good and my quality of homework is very good.
Ability to work independently.... 1
I feel comfortable working by myself and doing my work independently. The independent study is done all by myself! sooo i can work very well on my own.
Quality of writing ...2
My writing is starting to improve because I am actually proof reading and thinking of what to write. My structure is also starting to come out well.
Organisation of Media folder ...2
My media folder is not in shambles but I have to organise it again. I have title pages for different sections of the modules I just have to organise my work one more time.
Oral contributions in class ... 2
My oral contribution is okay in class. At times i don't participate but I will start to.
- More oral discussion on lesson
- Practise writing essays to improve my structure and timing for the exam
- Bring my attainment to a one by being consistant throughout the term .